Monday, October 27, 2014

Glancing in the rear view mirror

It has been a while since I updated my blog.

Things have happened. I finally got a job in July. It started out part-time and just recently went full-time. 

I haven't lost anymore weight, but I haven't gained either. It's been a triumph to maintain during the crazy time I've had. 

This is the day that I re-dedicate to my fitness. The weather is getting cooler and with that, I will be able to get my butt outside for some fitness time with my kids. Whether it's running, biking, tennis, or whatever, it is important that I continue to commit myself to it. 

Food is a big struggle. I am a food addict. I eat, just because. Not because I'm hungry, but because I'm bored, because I'm depressed. I just eat. I have to control myself and remind myself that I'm not hungry or that I'm not eating for energy. Making better choices has been a struggle as well. Certain times have me craving things that are not good for me, but I give in and tell myself that tomorrow is a new day. The new day comes and it's not any better. Today is a new day and it WILL be better and it already has. I will be better with logging everything that I put in my mouth. 

My new toy, FitBit Zip, is keeping me honest and reminds me that because I sit behind a desk all day, that I need to get up and move my butt with a goal of 10,000 per day at work alone.

My daughter is participating in the Girls on The Run program afterschool. Upon graduation on the program (December 2014), they will be completing a 5k with their group and running buddies. Guess who my daughter wants to run with? ME! Of course. I am super excited to do this with her, but way behind in training. Now is the time to start!

I've got my game plan... now to put on the game face and get it done!!

In fitness and in health,