Monday, January 14, 2013

1/14/13 Update

I guess this is a good time to start my weekly updates. These posts will include my week in review as well as my weight loss from last update. This will give me the opportunity to reflect on things I did in the last week as well as determine areas I need to improve on.

Last weeks weight: 281.2 pounds
This weeks weight: 278.2 pounds
Loss since start: 8 pounds

What makes me most happy about this weight, is that I'm pretty much right where I left off before Thanksgiving. Since then, last week was the first full week where I was focused and went hard. Working out at the gym is somewhat limited due to the kids' basketball schedule, but I have made an agreement with myself. On days that I know I won't be able to make the gym, I have decided to get up early (6:00 am is early for me) and do a 20-30 minute workout. Examples: 20 minute Zumba Wii workout or 30 minute Jillian Michaels' Yoga Meltdown that will try out on Thursday. Tuesday and Wednesday will be business as usual with Turbo Tone and Zumba class.

Over the weekend I went to the local produce market with my kids and picked out some healthier snack options. We got apples, pears, strawberries, grapes, zucchini, squash, tomatoes, broccoli, and I'm sure there are more! They were practically begging for a salad when we got home! They make eating healthier so much easier than if I had to hold myself accountable and do it alone.

The week consisted of 3 evening work outs: Zumba on Monday and Wednesday and Turbo Tone on Tuesday. I have become more mindful of my eating habits and track everything I can on MyFitnessPal app. (User Name: doinitonmyown) I don't allow myself to starve and also know when I can and can't indulge. With that being said, I have designated Fridays to be my "cheat day". That's the day I can eat pizza or chinese food or whatever (in moderation) and have a couple of beers or margaritas, whatever the case may be.

This week we have a Monday basketball game so no Zumba for me. I took care of that with the Wii this morning. I know we won't be home until later in the evening so I have prepared a snack for the kiddoes and we'll have a salad or something light for dinner when we get home. HOW MANY TIMES CAN I SAY THEY'VE MOTIVATED AND INSPIRED ME TO BE A BETTER MOM??? I love them so very much!

I'm getting the evil eye from the boss so I think she's figured out I'm not working right this second... better get to it!

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