Monday, October 27, 2014

Glancing in the rear view mirror

It has been a while since I updated my blog.

Things have happened. I finally got a job in July. It started out part-time and just recently went full-time. 

I haven't lost anymore weight, but I haven't gained either. It's been a triumph to maintain during the crazy time I've had. 

This is the day that I re-dedicate to my fitness. The weather is getting cooler and with that, I will be able to get my butt outside for some fitness time with my kids. Whether it's running, biking, tennis, or whatever, it is important that I continue to commit myself to it. 

Food is a big struggle. I am a food addict. I eat, just because. Not because I'm hungry, but because I'm bored, because I'm depressed. I just eat. I have to control myself and remind myself that I'm not hungry or that I'm not eating for energy. Making better choices has been a struggle as well. Certain times have me craving things that are not good for me, but I give in and tell myself that tomorrow is a new day. The new day comes and it's not any better. Today is a new day and it WILL be better and it already has. I will be better with logging everything that I put in my mouth. 

My new toy, FitBit Zip, is keeping me honest and reminds me that because I sit behind a desk all day, that I need to get up and move my butt with a goal of 10,000 per day at work alone.

My daughter is participating in the Girls on The Run program afterschool. Upon graduation on the program (December 2014), they will be completing a 5k with their group and running buddies. Guess who my daughter wants to run with? ME! Of course. I am super excited to do this with her, but way behind in training. Now is the time to start!

I've got my game plan... now to put on the game face and get it done!!

In fitness and in health,

Friday, June 13, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday 6/11/14

I'm late with the posting this week. I started a new class on Tuesday and my daughter broke her elbow on Wednesday so life has been a little chaotic. I did weigh myself on Wednesday. I have reached day 30 of the NEW 90 day challenge and day 10 of the "Abs and Ass" Challenge

6/4/14 weight: 257.7
6/4/14 BMI: 39.2

Current weight: 255.1
Current BMI: 38.8

Weekly % of body weight lost: 1.01%
Weekly BMI decrease: 0.4

Starting Weight: 305.5
Starting BMI: 46.4
Total % of body weight lost: 16.5%

Day 17 of NEW 90 Day Challenge!
5/12 starting weight 269.8
Current Weight 214.7
Challenge Weight Loss: 14.7
% Loss: 5.45%

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday 5/28/14

With the short school week and holiday weekend, I celebrated a little more than I should have. I was somewhat mindful of my caloric intake and exercised a lot less that I wanted to. Fortunately, the numbers still reflect my hard work. 

5/21/14 weight: 262.2
5/21/14 BMI: 39.9

Current weight: 257.7
Current BMI: 39.2

Weekly % of body weight lost: 1.72%
Weekly BMI decrease: 0.7

Starting Weight: 305.5
Starting BMI: 46.4
Total % of body weight lost: 15.65%

May's "Bike Your Ass Off" Challenge: 165/200 miles complete! as of 5/27/14 
35 miles to go!

Day 17 of NEW 90 Day Challenge!
5/12 starting weight 269.8
Current Weight 257.5
Challenge Weight Loss: 12.1
% Loss: 4.5%

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday 5/21/14

Going to crush the "Bike Your Ass Off" Challenge!

5/7/14 weight: 264.3
5/7/14 BMI: 40.2

Current weight: 262.2
Current BMI: 39.9

Weekly % of body weight lost: 0.8%
Weekly BMI decrease: 0.3

Starting Weight: 305.5
Starting BMI: 46.4
Total % of body weight lost: 14.2%

May's "Bike Your Ass Off" Challenge: 143/200 miles complete!
Day 9 of NEW 90 Day Challenge!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday 5/14/14

I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this week's weight was sabotaged by yours truly. Over Mother's Day weekend, I overindulged on foods I had no business eating in the first place. I accept it. I own it. I learn from it. I move on.


5/7/14 weight: 266.1
5/7/14 BMI: 40.5

Current weight: 264.3
Current BMI: 40.2

Weekly % of body weight lost: 0.7%
Weekly BMI decrease: 0.3

Starting Weight: 305.5
Starting BMI: 46.4
Total % of body weight lost: 13.5%

May's "Bike Your Ass Off" Challenge: 81.4/200 miles complete
Day 3 of NEW 90 Day Challenge!

Monday, May 12, 2014

You are what you eat!

You are what you eat!

I'm sure you've heard this phrase a million times from a million different people. I know I have. However, this morning, I have finally (and unfortunately) have come to terms with the full meaning of those words and the truth they possess.

It all started on Friday. My day went as usual. I had breakfast, went to the gym, went home, and had lunch. Dinner was good too. I fell into an old habit and had a few beers, putting me outside of my calorie budget. Saturday morning I went for a walk/run and had a good breakfast. I skipped lunch because I knew we were going out for dinner. That's where I made my first mistake. By time we got to where we were going, I was so hungry that "fat girl" mode kicked in and I wanted everything on the menu. It started with a cocktail and potato skins, followed by a beer and chicken wings with french fries and coleslaw, finished up with another beer. Sunday (Mother's Day) started out pretty good. Went for 1.5 mile walk/run and had a good breakfast. Went out with my sister and the three kids. Started out great, but then one of them had a meltdown and we had to leave Walmart. We ended up at the grocery store, buying subs and a few other items needed for the day and week, including two bags of potato chips. By time we got home, I was starving! I had half of a sub on wheat bread, no mayo, etc., good choices. While putting the groceries away, I tore into the potato chips and began to gobble them by the handful. RED ALERT! Originally, sister and I planned for salads with grilled shrimp for dinner, but by the time we were done in the pool with the kids, that changed to pizza. Stuffed crust, meat lovers pizza... not one slice... not two slices, but three slices. AND MORE COCKTAILS! To end the weekend, we had dessert. Not just any dessert, but banana splits... with all the toppings. 

I was so full when I went to bed. That should have been the first indication that I was not going to have a good night/morning. To make a long story short, I ended up with gas, indigestion, and heartburn. I was awakened early in the morning with the urge to vomit. I did end up vomiting and then the diarrhea started. I was in and out of the bathroom for a couple of hours before everything stopped. I was able to go back to sleep. Once I woke up again, I had a headache. I had to fight through to get the kids off to school and get myself to the gym.

Monday is usually my "balls-to-the-wall" day in the gym! On a regular Monday, I get in and hit it with no issues along the way. Today was a totally different story. I almost talked myself out of going to the gym. Red flag #1. I felt so fatigued, sluggish, and just all around blah. I took me a good bit of time to get into the routine. I wasn't motivated. I wasn't pushing. I was just going through the motions of what I was doing. Biking 10 miles, for example, usually takes me 40 minutes. Today it took me over an hour. I finally finished my workout and still felt like crap. Ugh.

At this point, you may be wondering what the point of this story is. It's simple. You are what you eat. After 3 months of healthy eating and working out, it took one day to throw my body out of whack. I put bad stuff in and got nothing but bad in return. Healthy eating is the most important thing you must do in order to get in shape. You've got to fuel the machine to get the results. The better the fuel, the better the engine will run and you will get a lot more out of it. Needless to say, I won't be making this mistake ever again!

In fitness and in health,

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Challenge Post 1 - What I've learned about FOOD and DRINK

I'm sure I have skeptics wondering how I managed a 40 pound loss in 90 days without the use of "magic pills", wraps, shakes, etc. My answer is simple. Hard work and dedication!

This week, I will share with you what I learned about food and drink.

Before I began this journey (again), I ate and drank whatever I wanted, in whatever portion I desired. I gained 50 pounds in the matter of a few short months. I saw the scale tip 300 pounds and had to pick my jaw up off the floor. That's when I decided to do something about it.

The first thing I did was get on MyFitnessPal and started logging what I ate. The first day was a HUGE eye opener. The things I was putting in my were outrageous. Calories, sodium, sugar, carbs, everything was off the charts and at the end of the day, it made me realize how the weight piled on so fast.

I could lie and said I talked to a nutritionist or others and got their takes on nutrition, but that simply wasn't the case. It's common knowledge that fruits and vegetables are good for you. That was a no brainer. Add more fruits and veggies to my diet. I did research on produce to find which were more nutritionally sound. After that I researched different sources of protein. Again, pretty common knowledge there. Eat meat, beans, or peanut butter. BUT, I did begin to research the leanest meats. I began to read labels, religiously, like it was my job. I always wanted to get the biggest bang for my calorie buck, especially since I was on a calorie budget.

A HUGE PART of eating healthier is PORTION CONTROL!!! This was such a challenge for me. I had the "fat girl" mentality and wanted to eat an entire chicken breast or half a box of macaroni and cheese in one meal. I couldn't have been more wrong. Reading your labels can help you with this too. Always read the serving size!

Best advice I can give you is as follows:
- Try to limit your intake of sugary drinks.
- Do most of your shopping around the perimeter of the store. It has the freshest products. If you can't do fresh veggies, use frozen. Steam in a bag frozen veggies are super convenient and the next best thing to fresh. In my house, we use half fresh, half frozen. There are 7 of us in the house and it can get costly.
- Read the label of everything you consume or put into a recipe. NEVER be afraid to swap for something healthier.
- Research portion sizes on things that aren't labeled such as fresh meat and produce.
- The less ingredients something has, the best it is for you, closer to natural.

Personal changes I made to my diet:
- Dannon Light & Fit Greek yogurt is my stuff! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.
- Swapped out cow's milk. Swapped in almond/coconut milk.
- Drink water all day long. I will have a soda or tea every now and again.
- No white rice, bread, pasta. I swapped it all for whole wheat or brown rice.
- Experimented with new veggies and ways to prepare them.
- Researched food/ingredient swaps. Asking "How can I make this healthier?"
- I always compare labels to see how I can get the biggest bang for my calorie buck.

I am sure there will be a part 2 to this blog. It's late and my brain is beginning to shut down. LOL

I am excited to pass this along to all of you in my challenge group. Let's kick so much ass our feet hurt!

Friday, May 9, 2014

NEW 90 Day Challenge starting 5/12/14

I cannot be more excited! Since I've shared the results and progress picture of my first 90 day challenge, I have been asked by some friends to host a 90 day challenge. I've got a group of women who are ready to hit the ground running next Monday!

There will be new challenge every week involving diet, water, cardio, and/or strength that I will be doing along side everyone in our group. Looking forward to the first week!


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday 5/7/14

This was a good week. It seems that I am back on track to "losing weight", even though I am building muscle too! Next week we will see the final result of the "Lose 30 in 90" Challenge!

4/30/14 weight: 269.8
4/30/14 BMI: 41.0

Current weight: 266.1
Current BMI: 40.5

Weekly % of body weight lost: 1.4%
Weekly BMI decrease: 0.5

Starting Weight: 305.5
Starting BMI: 46.4
Total % of body weight lost: 12.9%

May's "Bike Your Ass Off" Challenge: 30/200 miles complete
Day 87 of "Lose 30 in 90" Challenge!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Transformation Tuesday 5/6/14


May has started off with a bang!

This week has been full of win in many aspects of my life. Even though I am having difficulties finding a job, I am holding my head up and focusing on the things I can control, outside of sending off resumes. I went back to school today, pursuing my bachelor's degree in Communications/Journalism. My kids are doing well, even though the boy child was feeling under the weather last night.

HOWEVER, this blog is mostly about the journey of this Fat2FitMama and I intend to put some focus into posting at least every 2-3 days with different things, not just weigh-ins.

Today's post is all about #transformationtuesday and reflecting on how far I've come since February. In my life, transformation is happening in so many ways and I am over the moon. The month of May will be my bitch and bring on so many more awesome things.

On May 3rd, I completed my first 5k. Notice I didn't say ran, but COMPLETED. That was a big achievement. When I was over 300 pounds and first started in the gym, I had a hard time completing 10 minutes on the treadmill.

I find that setting goals and challenges for myself are the best way to motivate me to achieve my ultimate goals. Since my goal for last month was to do the 5k, I was on the treadmill and walking/running outside ALOT. I wish I knew how many miles I logged. Now that it's done, I am staying off the treadmill this month. I may get outside and walk/run a little here and there, but I have sworn off the treadmill. INSTEAD, I have challenged myself to bike my ass off and bike 200 miles. On top of this, I am also completing a "Melt Your Muffin Top" challenge that consists of multiple abdominal workouts through out the month.

Today is the 6th and I am still on top of it all! I've completed 20 miles so far and have done each ab exercise as challenged! I won't go on about weight loss in this post. That will come tomorrow.

It has become a point in my life to serve as an inspiration, role model, and motivator to those who are trying to lose weight and/or live a healthier lifestyle. I pass the tools along. Use MyFitnessPal app, eat well, and work your ass off. You can do anything you put your mind to. I have started using Instagram (@hoteffinmess) throughout the day to capture what I do and how I do it, again to serve as an inspiration and positive role model for those who are following me. A good example of this happened today. I don't just talk about what to do, I do it, and prove it!

My trip to the grocery store today and my lunch. Notice the sushi (brown rice) in the cart. I was starving by time I got done in the store and wanted something quick, but healthy. Done!

NOW... for the best part of this #transformationtuesday blog post! I haven't done many progress pictures in without a shirt on. I did one on March 25, for the heck of it. On Sunday, I was curious because I noticed that things felt different, but of course I didn't see them. I took another set of shirtless progress pictures and when I compared the two side by side, I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. Excited as I was, I also realized that there are only 40 DAYS between the two.

This just goes to show what determination, hard work, and dedication can achieve. After seeing this, I am a firm believer that if I can do it, anyone can!!!

See you tomorrow for Weigh In Wednesday!

In Fitness and In Health,

Saturday, May 3, 2014

May 3, 2014 - Largest NSV to date!

I sit here, almost in tears. On one hand, I am thinking about my dearly departed friend, Caroline. On the other hand, I am incredibly proud of what I accomplished today. LARGEST NON-SCALE VICTORY TO DATE!!!

Today, my sister and I completed our first road race:
Maya Matters (Helping Hands for Kids with Cancer) 5k

Little back story - I lost my middle school best friend to leukemia at the age of 19. I have been involved in fundraising for pediatric cancer patients/families and research for 2 years now... hence my participation in this particular 5k.

3 months and [almost] 40 pounds ago, I would have NEVER imagined I could have jogged/walked 3 miles in under an hour. 

My Race Results:
Time: 50:40:21
Age Group (30-39) Finish: 16
Overall Finish: 114

Not bad for my first race. I am looking forward to participating in more and improving on my time, no doubt!! Gotta get through my challenges for the month of May, biking 200 miles and melting this muffin top.

In fitness and in health,

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

May 2014 Challenges

If you follow my blog at all, you would know that I like to set goals and challenge myself to do a variety of things. As April ends and May begins, I find myself completing my first 5k (May 3rd) as well as closing out my "Lose 30 in 90" challenge (May 12th).

On Facebook, I follow a handful of awesome pages that help motivate me and help keep my workouts interested so I don't get bored and fall off the wagon. May's big challenge, MELT YOUR MUFFIN TOP comes from The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans. I am very excited for this one! You can find out more information about that challenge here.

Since May is National Bike Month, I will be getting off of the treadmill and onto the stationery bike.I will be BIKING MY ASS OFF! I've challenged myself to bike 200 miles in the month and this breaks down to 50 miles per week and 10 miles per day in the gym.

Since I have been focused on lifting weights and building/toning my muscles, I have also been dealing with the tightness and soreness that comes the day after. I will be focusing on stretching and rolling to find the best way to relieve the aches and pains.

April has been a blast, but I am definitely looking forward to what May has to offer while on this road from Fat 2 Fit!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday 4/23/14

 4/16/14 weight: 273.8
4/16/14 BMI: 41.6

Current weight: 272.3
Current BMI: 41.4

Weekly % of body weight lost: .55%
Weekly BMI decrease: 0.2

Starting Weight: 305.5
Starting BMI: 46.4
Total % of body weight lost: 10.87%


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

#TastyTuesday 4/22/14

#TastyTuesday 4/22/14 - Turkey Avocado BLT Wrap 
(hold the T for me)

374 calories, 34.7g protein

Flatout brand wrap, Light Spinach (90 cal., 9g protein)
1/2 small avocado (72 cal., 1.5g protein)
2 slices Oscar Meyer Turkey Bacon (70 cal., 4g protein)
1/4 c. Publix 2% milk shredded cheddar cheese (80 cal., 7g protein)
2 oz. Boar's Head Ovengold Turkey (60 cal., 13g protein)
4 leaves Romaine lettuce (2 cal., .2g protein)


Prepare the wrap to fill it with awesomeness! 
Cut avocado in half and remove pit, scoop out one half and spread it on the wrap. Layer on cooked turkey bacon.

Add shredded cheddar, and turkey. Add on lettuce of choice and tomatoes if you wish. Roll up and enjoy!

Add shredded cheddar, and turkey. Add on lettuce of choice and tomatoes if you wish. Roll up and enjoy! 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday 4/16/14

As usual, late with the blog post, but here are the results from Wednesday's weigh in!

 4/9/14 weight: 275.8
4/9/14 BMI: 41.9

Current weight: 273.8
Current BMI: 41.6

Weekly % of body weight lost: .73%
Weekly BMI decrease: 0.3

Starting Weight: 305.5
Starting BMI: 46.4
Total % of body weight lost: 10.38%

Monday, April 14, 2014

Dinner under 500 calories - Pulled Pork with Coleslaw

Pulled Pork Sandwich with Coleslaw and Baked Sweet Potato (440 calories, as pictured)

Pulled Pork
5 lb. pork butt
1 can beef broth (I used Publix brand)
1 small yellow onion, cut into quarters
1/3 cup BBQ sauce ( I used Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce)
1/3 cup water
Salt and pepper, to taste

Cut pork butt in half and rub with salt and pepper.
Place in slow cooker and pour can beef broth over top and put onions in broth and on top of pork.
Mix BBQ sauce and water together and pour over top of pork.
Cook on low for 6-8 hours.
Shred with fork and serve.

Serving size: 3 oz., 186 calories
I served it on Peppridge Farms Whole Wheat Hamburger bun (130 calories) with a tsp. of spicy mustard (5 calories)

2/3 package coleslaw blend (I used Publix brand)
2 tablespoons extra light mayonaise (I used Kraft Mayo with Olive Oil)
1/4 low fat milk (I used Publix 2%)
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon sugar (I used Splenda blend)
1 teaspoon salt (I used Morton's Light Salt)

Whisk mayonaise, milk, white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, sugar and salt together and mix with the coleslaw blend and allow to cool 2 hours to overnight. 

Serving size: 1/2 cup, 16 calories

Calorie content will vary depending on ingredients you use!  The family and I enjoyed this meal alot! 

Disappointing Achievements

Disappointing achievements... sounds like an oxy moron, right? However, in this case, it's an absolute truth.

I have become too reliant on the scale to measure my success on the road to fitness. When I started, I challenged myself to lose 30 pounds in 90 days and I've just about accomplished that. I found myself 2 days shy of the 60 day mark and .30 pounds away from achieving the 30 pound goal. As I continued my regular routine of watching caloric intake and burning the calories away in the gym, I weighed in on the 60th day and found that the scale DID. NOT. BUDGE. Of course, I was a little disappointed. I even waited another day and weighed again, thinking it may have been water or something. The same number read on the scale. At this point I'm upset.

I'm still trying to figure out why I was upset about this. My goal was 30 pounds in 90 days NOT 60 days. The fact that I was so close with 30 days to go should feel awesome!

The funny thing is that I am seeing the results in other ways and still allowing the scale to dictate my success. What about change in pant size? What about the inches lost? What about the muscle built?

Over the course of the 60 days, I have dropped about 2 1/2 pant sizes. I've also had a significant loss of inches over my entire body.

Neck: 1/2 inch
Waist: 4 1/2 inches
Hips: 4 inches
Thighs: 3 inches
Calves: 1 inch
Arms: 3 inches
Bust: 3 inches
Abdomen: 6 inches

I have had to remind myself that MUSCLE WEIGHS MORE THAN FAT!!!

Since I've added strength training to my gym routine, I have started to build muscle as I burn off the fat. Each couple of days or so I am increases the amount of weight used or the number of repetitions. I'm sure this has had an impact on my weight as well.


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday 4/9/14

Totally missed posting this on Wednesday, but as they say, better late than never.

 4/2/14 weight: 278
4/2/14 BMI: 42.3

Current weight: 275.8
Current BMI: 41.9

Weekly % of body weight lost: .08%
Weekly BMI decrease: 0.4

Starting Weight: 305.5
Starting BMI: 46.4
Total % of body weight lost: 9.80%

4/2/14 weight: 172.6
Current weight: 171.8
WEEKLY LBS. LOST:  0.8 lb.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday 4/2/14

Wednesday Weigh-In

 3/26/14 weight: 280.6
3/26/14 BMI: 42.7

Current weight: 278
Current BMI: 42.3

Weekly % of body weight lost: 1.01%
Weekly BMI decrease: 0.4

Starting Weight: 305.5
Starting BMI: 46.4
Total % of body weight lost: 9.10%

3/17/14 weight: 171.2
Current weight: 172.6

Sunday, March 30, 2014

April 2014

As March is coming to a close, I can say that there were many things to be happy about. Aside from the weight I've lost, I've gained a significant amount of muscle, to where I am beginning to see definition in my arms and legs.

While there has been a nice decrease in the number on the scale, there has also been a change in my physical appearance and the way my clothes are fitting. Yay!!

I am half way through my "Lose 30 in 90" challenge and I've lost almost the entire 30 pounds.

Looking forward into the next month, there are a few things I am looking forward to:

1) Training for my first 5k on May 3rd
2) Losing more pounds as I continue to go through the challenge
3) Building muscle

I am so excited for the next 30 days and can't wait to see where I end up.

In Fitness and in Health.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Lose 30 in 90 Challenge - half way

Personal Challenge #1: Lose 30 pounds in 90 days

When I started, I thought it would be a challenging goal, a great beginning to my mission to get healthy and fit. It was February 10, 2014, the first day of my 90 day challenge and I tipped the scales at 300.5 pounds. I had lost 4.5 pounds (305 lbs.) before I started this challenge. 

I started using myfitnesspal religiously and making serious changes to my diet. I began working out in the gym Monday through Friday and random times on the weekends with my children. I recently added in a strength training schedule as well. I take a few supplements as suggested to me by my guy at GNC. 

Today marks the half way mark (45 days) in my 90 day challenge. I am happy to report that I am 20 pounds down in the challenge (25 overall). I am ALMOST officially out of the 280s and that's such a happy thought! I am more than well on my way to lost the 30 pounds in 90 days. I've got 10 pounds to go in 45 days. I'm going to crush it! 

The pictures here are an awesome indication of my progress!
Top left is from my 30th birthday party - 1/11/14
Bottom left is from the beginning of the challenge - 2/10/14
Center is from the 30 day mark - 3/13/14
Right is from today, 45 day mark - 3/27/14

Here's to the next 45 days!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Weigh-In Wednesday

Beginning this week, my best friend will be weighing in with me. She recently began the journey to become healthy and fit. She is co-administrator of our Facebook page BEAST MODE MAMAS. Our friendship goes to prove that you don't have to be face to face to help motivate others. I live in Florida and she lives in Georgia.

Wednesday Weigh-In

 3/21/14 weight: 284.8 
3/21/14 BMI: 43.3

Current weight: 280.6
Current BMI: 42.7

WEEKLY LBS. LOST: 4.2 (5 days)
Weekly % of body weight lost: 1.48%
Weekly BMI decrease: 1.4

Starting Weight: 305.5
Starting BMI: 46.4
Total % of body weight lost: 8.15%

3/17/14 weight: 176
Current weight: 171.2

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Stoked for Wednesday!


For some, stepping on the scale can be scary. As for me, I now look forward to it!

I have been working hard in the gym and have been pretty conscious about that I eat. I'm starting to see muscle definition as well. Pretty exciting things going on here!

I cannot wait to step on the scale in the morning to see how far I've come since last week's weigh-in. I am fairly confident I will be very close to 280 or below! I want to check off that goal and move on to the next one.

Getting up super early to hit the gym hasn't been as difficult as I anticipated. I am a morning person, but 4:30 is insane. Haha. I am looking forward to [possibly] getting back to my regular routine tomorrow. I won't be in a rush to get home and have to cut "leg day" short.


Emotional Realization

This morning was particularly interesting. I went to the gym before the sun came up and crushed some cardio and a little lifting. I've done so well with sticking to my diet and exercise routine that I've now lost 23 lbs. since I started almost a month and a half ago. After my workout, I treated myself to a venti iced non-fat mocha with no whipped cream from Starbucks, to the tune of 220 calories (and sooooooo worth it!!). 

On my way home, I really began to think about the progress that I have made up to this point and came to the realization. I will be out of the 280's by next weeks weigh in, moving on to my goal of 250. Not only that, but I will have LESS than 100 pounds to lose. This is such a big deal to me that I began to cry tears of joy. 

I have such a great support system in place that I don't feel like giving up. I don't want to quit. Everyday I find myself wanting to push just a little bit harder. I'm smashing my short term goals and inching closer to the ultimate goal.

Over the last few days, I have noticed something else that I have NEVER had: MUSCLE DEFINITION.
Well... some. It is such an great feeling to know that all the sweat I've poured out and all the soreness I've endured is worth it. To know the fat is melting away and being replaced with lean muscle it awesome! I love being able to see the definition in my arms and calves, and to feel the strength I'm building in other areas. 

There has been such an improvement in my overall health. I don't feel tired all the time, but quite the opposite actually. My moods have been much better. I don't feel depressed. BIG DEAL!!! I no longer turn to food for comfort, but instead, I turn to my people. Without them, I don't know if this would be possible. 

I want to serve as a motivator and inspiration for others who are battling a weight problem. I've been heavy most of my life and decided this is the time to change. I'm living my life as I am the "Biggest Loser", just over a longer period of time. No crazy crash diets, or extensive workout schedules here!

I've recently started blogging my workout schedule here as well. You an find that here!
I've also recently co-created a motivation page with my best friend: Beast Mode Mamas

Mom's in beast mode. So look out!

In fitness and in health,

Monday, March 24, 2014

Ramblings 3/24/14

The kids are out of school for Spring Break this week. That means a couple of things. 1) They are home with me all week. 2) I have to rework my gym schedule around everyone else's schedules so I had someone to stay with them. Because of this, I had the bright idea to get up at 4:30 and get to the gym when they open at 5:00 am thinking they wouldn't be busy and I could just get in and out and get back home before anyone woke up.

I ended up sleeping through my 4:30 alarm, but did manage to wake myself at 4:58. I got dressed and got to the gym around 5:15 or so and there were already so many cars in the parking lot. Inside, it wasn't too busy and I was able to get to the weights and do my sets without having to bump into someone or have to wait for a set of dumbbells to be free.

Here is what I managed to squeeze in during the hour I was at the gym:

Lat pulldown 3 sets/12 reps/50 lbs.
Upright Row 3 sets/12 reps/10 lb. dumbbells
Front Lat Raises 3 sets/12 reps/alternating 10 and 5 lb. dumbbells
Side Lat Raises 3 sets/12 reps/alternating 10 and 5 lb. dumbbells
Row 3 sets/12 reps/ 50 lbs.
Cardio 1 mi. treadmill, 2 mi. bike, approximately 30 minutes total
CALORIES BURNT, per heart rate monitor 423

Once I got home around 6:40 am, I completed my Bonus Challenge: 20 golf squats

Kids woke up around 7:00 and the day moved on. The best part? I get to do it all over again tomorrow! I'm gonna dead lift these laundry baskets and hopefully get it all done today. Chugging on water as I go.

Until tomorrow!
In fitness and in health,

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Week in Review!!

Week in Review!!

I hit my first weight loss goal of 20 lbs. this week!!! It's been a crazy journey so far, but I am learning so much about my body and what it can do when treated the right way! The healthier eating and exercising has definitely played into some positive changes. I'm sleeping better, I'm less stressed, and more confident than I have ever been in my skin. Even though I have so much more left to accomplish, I can say that I am more motivated than ever!! 


Monday - shoulders and back

  • dumbbell shoulder press (3 sets, 12 reps, 8  lb. dumbbells) used 10 lb. dumbbells at the gym
  • dumbbell upright row standing/bent over (3 sets, 12 reps, 8  lb. dumbbells) used 10 lb. dumbbells at the gym
  • front/side lateral raise (3 sets, 12 reps, 8  lb. dumbbells) used 10 lb. dumbbells at the gym
  • kneeling pushups (until failure) didn't attempt. Why? I don't know. EXCUSE #1

Tuesday - core

  • crunches, stability ball crunches, other pilates targeted ab moves, beginner plank exercises Didn't do. Was on a field trip with my youngest. Excuse #2

Wednesday - legs

  • leg press (3 sets, 15/12/10 reps,  weight TBD) Completed. I don't recall how much weight was used. 
  • leg extension (2 sets, 10 reps, weight TBD) Completed. I don't recall how much weight was used. 
  • leg curl (2 sets, 10 reps, weight TBD) Completed. I don't recall how much weight was used. 
  • calf raises (2 sets, 12/10 reps) We don't have a machine for this at the gym so I just did it by lifting my body weight on my toes until failure.

Thursday - core
  • crunches, stability ball crunches, other pilates targeted ab moves, beginner plank exercises Completed as many as I could until failure. Stability ball crunches.

Friday - chest

  • chest press machine (4 sets, 8 reps, weight TBD Completed. I don't recall how much weight was used. 
  • single-arm chest press (4 sets, 8 reps, 8 lb. dumbbells) Did at home on stability ball.
  • Y raises (4 sets, 20 reps, 8 lb. dumbbells) Didn't do. Forgot about them. Excuse #3
  • rear lateral raise (4 sets, 20 reps, 8 lb. dumbbells) Completed at home.

CARDIO - always completed my cardio of at least one mile on the treadmill, alternating walking and jogging. On Monday, I completed a mile and a half. Tuesday, I didn't make it to the gym, but we did a lot of walking while on the field trip with my son. Wednesday had me completing 3.2 miles on the treadmill. Thursday was another 3.5 between the treadmill, walking the bridge, and the walking trail at the park with my sister and kiddoes. Friday was a slow down day and I completed a mile on the treadmill, half of which I spent jogging! *high five* This doesn't account for some time spent on the elliptical. 
Total walking miles completed this week: 9.2

Next set of goals:
  1. Next week I will strive to complete 10 miles walking on the treadmill, or outside. Elliptical miles don't count in this. 
  2. To fully complete/modify to complete the strength training schedule as outlined above 
  3. Working towards my 30 lb. weight loss by: 4/16/14 (will also be posting 6 day progress pics!!! So looking forward to that!)
Potential Hurdles for this week:
  1. My kids are out of school for Spring Break so I will have to revamp my workout schedule and move it either to early, early morning, or later at night. One way or the other it will get completed!
I am very excited for the week ahead and plan on incorporating my kids into my workout by taking them for walks around the park trail. I can't let speed bumps on my road to success hold me back!

Moving forward!!!