Sunday, March 30, 2014

April 2014

As March is coming to a close, I can say that there were many things to be happy about. Aside from the weight I've lost, I've gained a significant amount of muscle, to where I am beginning to see definition in my arms and legs.

While there has been a nice decrease in the number on the scale, there has also been a change in my physical appearance and the way my clothes are fitting. Yay!!

I am half way through my "Lose 30 in 90" challenge and I've lost almost the entire 30 pounds.

Looking forward into the next month, there are a few things I am looking forward to:

1) Training for my first 5k on May 3rd
2) Losing more pounds as I continue to go through the challenge
3) Building muscle

I am so excited for the next 30 days and can't wait to see where I end up.

In Fitness and in Health.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Lose 30 in 90 Challenge - half way

Personal Challenge #1: Lose 30 pounds in 90 days

When I started, I thought it would be a challenging goal, a great beginning to my mission to get healthy and fit. It was February 10, 2014, the first day of my 90 day challenge and I tipped the scales at 300.5 pounds. I had lost 4.5 pounds (305 lbs.) before I started this challenge. 

I started using myfitnesspal religiously and making serious changes to my diet. I began working out in the gym Monday through Friday and random times on the weekends with my children. I recently added in a strength training schedule as well. I take a few supplements as suggested to me by my guy at GNC. 

Today marks the half way mark (45 days) in my 90 day challenge. I am happy to report that I am 20 pounds down in the challenge (25 overall). I am ALMOST officially out of the 280s and that's such a happy thought! I am more than well on my way to lost the 30 pounds in 90 days. I've got 10 pounds to go in 45 days. I'm going to crush it! 

The pictures here are an awesome indication of my progress!
Top left is from my 30th birthday party - 1/11/14
Bottom left is from the beginning of the challenge - 2/10/14
Center is from the 30 day mark - 3/13/14
Right is from today, 45 day mark - 3/27/14

Here's to the next 45 days!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Weigh-In Wednesday

Beginning this week, my best friend will be weighing in with me. She recently began the journey to become healthy and fit. She is co-administrator of our Facebook page BEAST MODE MAMAS. Our friendship goes to prove that you don't have to be face to face to help motivate others. I live in Florida and she lives in Georgia.

Wednesday Weigh-In

 3/21/14 weight: 284.8 
3/21/14 BMI: 43.3

Current weight: 280.6
Current BMI: 42.7

WEEKLY LBS. LOST: 4.2 (5 days)
Weekly % of body weight lost: 1.48%
Weekly BMI decrease: 1.4

Starting Weight: 305.5
Starting BMI: 46.4
Total % of body weight lost: 8.15%

3/17/14 weight: 176
Current weight: 171.2

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Stoked for Wednesday!


For some, stepping on the scale can be scary. As for me, I now look forward to it!

I have been working hard in the gym and have been pretty conscious about that I eat. I'm starting to see muscle definition as well. Pretty exciting things going on here!

I cannot wait to step on the scale in the morning to see how far I've come since last week's weigh-in. I am fairly confident I will be very close to 280 or below! I want to check off that goal and move on to the next one.

Getting up super early to hit the gym hasn't been as difficult as I anticipated. I am a morning person, but 4:30 is insane. Haha. I am looking forward to [possibly] getting back to my regular routine tomorrow. I won't be in a rush to get home and have to cut "leg day" short.


Emotional Realization

This morning was particularly interesting. I went to the gym before the sun came up and crushed some cardio and a little lifting. I've done so well with sticking to my diet and exercise routine that I've now lost 23 lbs. since I started almost a month and a half ago. After my workout, I treated myself to a venti iced non-fat mocha with no whipped cream from Starbucks, to the tune of 220 calories (and sooooooo worth it!!). 

On my way home, I really began to think about the progress that I have made up to this point and came to the realization. I will be out of the 280's by next weeks weigh in, moving on to my goal of 250. Not only that, but I will have LESS than 100 pounds to lose. This is such a big deal to me that I began to cry tears of joy. 

I have such a great support system in place that I don't feel like giving up. I don't want to quit. Everyday I find myself wanting to push just a little bit harder. I'm smashing my short term goals and inching closer to the ultimate goal.

Over the last few days, I have noticed something else that I have NEVER had: MUSCLE DEFINITION.
Well... some. It is such an great feeling to know that all the sweat I've poured out and all the soreness I've endured is worth it. To know the fat is melting away and being replaced with lean muscle it awesome! I love being able to see the definition in my arms and calves, and to feel the strength I'm building in other areas. 

There has been such an improvement in my overall health. I don't feel tired all the time, but quite the opposite actually. My moods have been much better. I don't feel depressed. BIG DEAL!!! I no longer turn to food for comfort, but instead, I turn to my people. Without them, I don't know if this would be possible. 

I want to serve as a motivator and inspiration for others who are battling a weight problem. I've been heavy most of my life and decided this is the time to change. I'm living my life as I am the "Biggest Loser", just over a longer period of time. No crazy crash diets, or extensive workout schedules here!

I've recently started blogging my workout schedule here as well. You an find that here!
I've also recently co-created a motivation page with my best friend: Beast Mode Mamas

Mom's in beast mode. So look out!

In fitness and in health,

Monday, March 24, 2014

Ramblings 3/24/14

The kids are out of school for Spring Break this week. That means a couple of things. 1) They are home with me all week. 2) I have to rework my gym schedule around everyone else's schedules so I had someone to stay with them. Because of this, I had the bright idea to get up at 4:30 and get to the gym when they open at 5:00 am thinking they wouldn't be busy and I could just get in and out and get back home before anyone woke up.

I ended up sleeping through my 4:30 alarm, but did manage to wake myself at 4:58. I got dressed and got to the gym around 5:15 or so and there were already so many cars in the parking lot. Inside, it wasn't too busy and I was able to get to the weights and do my sets without having to bump into someone or have to wait for a set of dumbbells to be free.

Here is what I managed to squeeze in during the hour I was at the gym:

Lat pulldown 3 sets/12 reps/50 lbs.
Upright Row 3 sets/12 reps/10 lb. dumbbells
Front Lat Raises 3 sets/12 reps/alternating 10 and 5 lb. dumbbells
Side Lat Raises 3 sets/12 reps/alternating 10 and 5 lb. dumbbells
Row 3 sets/12 reps/ 50 lbs.
Cardio 1 mi. treadmill, 2 mi. bike, approximately 30 minutes total
CALORIES BURNT, per heart rate monitor 423

Once I got home around 6:40 am, I completed my Bonus Challenge: 20 golf squats

Kids woke up around 7:00 and the day moved on. The best part? I get to do it all over again tomorrow! I'm gonna dead lift these laundry baskets and hopefully get it all done today. Chugging on water as I go.

Until tomorrow!
In fitness and in health,

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Week in Review!!

Week in Review!!

I hit my first weight loss goal of 20 lbs. this week!!! It's been a crazy journey so far, but I am learning so much about my body and what it can do when treated the right way! The healthier eating and exercising has definitely played into some positive changes. I'm sleeping better, I'm less stressed, and more confident than I have ever been in my skin. Even though I have so much more left to accomplish, I can say that I am more motivated than ever!! 


Monday - shoulders and back

  • dumbbell shoulder press (3 sets, 12 reps, 8  lb. dumbbells) used 10 lb. dumbbells at the gym
  • dumbbell upright row standing/bent over (3 sets, 12 reps, 8  lb. dumbbells) used 10 lb. dumbbells at the gym
  • front/side lateral raise (3 sets, 12 reps, 8  lb. dumbbells) used 10 lb. dumbbells at the gym
  • kneeling pushups (until failure) didn't attempt. Why? I don't know. EXCUSE #1

Tuesday - core

  • crunches, stability ball crunches, other pilates targeted ab moves, beginner plank exercises Didn't do. Was on a field trip with my youngest. Excuse #2

Wednesday - legs

  • leg press (3 sets, 15/12/10 reps,  weight TBD) Completed. I don't recall how much weight was used. 
  • leg extension (2 sets, 10 reps, weight TBD) Completed. I don't recall how much weight was used. 
  • leg curl (2 sets, 10 reps, weight TBD) Completed. I don't recall how much weight was used. 
  • calf raises (2 sets, 12/10 reps) We don't have a machine for this at the gym so I just did it by lifting my body weight on my toes until failure.

Thursday - core
  • crunches, stability ball crunches, other pilates targeted ab moves, beginner plank exercises Completed as many as I could until failure. Stability ball crunches.

Friday - chest

  • chest press machine (4 sets, 8 reps, weight TBD Completed. I don't recall how much weight was used. 
  • single-arm chest press (4 sets, 8 reps, 8 lb. dumbbells) Did at home on stability ball.
  • Y raises (4 sets, 20 reps, 8 lb. dumbbells) Didn't do. Forgot about them. Excuse #3
  • rear lateral raise (4 sets, 20 reps, 8 lb. dumbbells) Completed at home.

CARDIO - always completed my cardio of at least one mile on the treadmill, alternating walking and jogging. On Monday, I completed a mile and a half. Tuesday, I didn't make it to the gym, but we did a lot of walking while on the field trip with my son. Wednesday had me completing 3.2 miles on the treadmill. Thursday was another 3.5 between the treadmill, walking the bridge, and the walking trail at the park with my sister and kiddoes. Friday was a slow down day and I completed a mile on the treadmill, half of which I spent jogging! *high five* This doesn't account for some time spent on the elliptical. 
Total walking miles completed this week: 9.2

Next set of goals:
  1. Next week I will strive to complete 10 miles walking on the treadmill, or outside. Elliptical miles don't count in this. 
  2. To fully complete/modify to complete the strength training schedule as outlined above 
  3. Working towards my 30 lb. weight loss by: 4/16/14 (will also be posting 6 day progress pics!!! So looking forward to that!)
Potential Hurdles for this week:
  1. My kids are out of school for Spring Break so I will have to revamp my workout schedule and move it either to early, early morning, or later at night. One way or the other it will get completed!
I am very excited for the week ahead and plan on incorporating my kids into my workout by taking them for walks around the park trail. I can't let speed bumps on my road to success hold me back!

Moving forward!!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Had a CRAZY BUSY week this week really pushing towards hitting the 20 pound mark!! It also made me realize that I had the wrong "starting weight" on this weekly blog. That has been corrected and below is this weeks "Friday Weigh-In"

My Friday Weigh-In

 3/12/14 weight: 289.9 
3/12/14 BMI: 44.7

Current weight: 284.8
Current BMI: 43.3

Weekly % of body weight lost: 1.76%
Weekly BMI decrease: 1.4

Starting Weight: 305.5
Starting BMI: 46.4
Total % of body weight lost: 6.78%

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Looking forward into the week ahead

I'm just past the 30 day mark of my "Lose 30 in 90" challenge. So far, I have lost 11.2 pounds. Several things have greatly attributed to my success up to this point. Being dedicated to the gym and working out five days per week has been a great help, for one. Myfitnesspal has been awesome for tracking my calories and other nutrients and keeps me honest with myself.

I have joined a challenge group this week dedicated to losing at least 2 pounds this week. There is a meal plan to follow. A lot of what I eat already is on the plan and I've gotten a few new ideas. I love a challenge so this is great! As part of the challenge, we are required to post photos of what we eat throughout the week, so I will be sharing here as well.

I'm also changing up my workout routine a little. I generally work on cardio when I first get into the gym and follow up with a menagerie of strength training machines. This week I am going to reverse this and get into a targeted strength training regimen. This weeks workout will consist of the following:

Monday - shoulders and back

  • dumbbell shoulder press (3 sets, 12 reps, 8  lb. dumbbells)
  • dumbbell upright row standing/bent over (3 sets, 12 reps, 8  lb. dumbbells)
  • front/side lateral raise (3 sets, 12 reps, 8  lb. dumbbells)
  • kneeling pushups (until failure)

Tuesday - core

  • crunches, stability ball crunches, other pilates targeted ab moves, beginner plank exercises

Wednesday - legs

  • leg press (3 sets, 15/12/10 reps,  weight TBD)
  • leg extension (2 sets, 10 reps, weight TBD)
  • leg curl (2 sets, 10 reps, weight TBD)
  • calf raises (2 sets, 12/10 reps)

Thursday - core
  • crunches, stability ball crunches, other pilates targeted ab moves, beginner plank exercises
Friday - chest

  • chest press machine (4 sets, 8 reps, weight TBD)
  • single-arm chest press (4 sets, 8 reps, 8 lb. dumbbells)
  • Y raises (4 sets, 20 reps, 8 lb. dumbbells)
  • rear lateral raise (4 sets, 20 reps, 8 lb. dumbbells)
My cardio routine has usually consisted of completing one mile or so on the treadmill, alternating walking and jogging, working on my mile speed. I am going to start training for the 5k that I will be completing in the beginning of May. To get ready for that, I will be adding 1/2 mile each week up to 3.5 miles. 

Let's see what the week brings! 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday Weigh-In 3/12/14

My Wednesday Weigh-In

 1/8/14 weight: 294.8 
1/8/14 BMI: 44.8

Current weight: 289.9
Current BMI: 44.7

Weekly % of body weight lost: 1.66%
Weekly BMI decrease: 0.10

Starting Weight: 301.1
Starting BMI: 45.8
Total % of body weight lost: 3.72