Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Beginning of the end

Here I am, 28 years old, and the mother of two very active children, ages 5 and 7. I have been overweight for pretty much my entire life and have been fortunate enough to have no significant health problems. Now my children are getting older and starting to get into more active things. I want to be able to enjoy life with my children as it was intended... WITH them, not sitting on the sidelines.

Starting this blog, I have ONE MISSION! To go from FAT to FIT!

I [re]started this journey on September 25, 2012 (after losing 40 pounds in 2011 and gaining it back, plus some). I found a health club that suited me: ladies only, a great class schedule, and CHILD CARE!! Now I had NO EXCUSES for skipping out on my workout. I started going to Zumba twice per week and Turbo Tone (a fast paced cross with cardio and strength training) twice per week and as of October 26, 2012, I have lost 8.5 pounds. 

A few things I've found that work for me:
  1. Using a calorie tracker - I use the MyFitnessPal app.
  2. Finding an exciting workout that is not boring to me - Zumba and Turbo Tone
  3. Having a workout partner - My good friend, L. Even though she's not there ALL the time, we still have each others' back when needed and butt, when it needs a kicking!
  4. A support group - I have a group on Facebook with a handful of ladies. We motivate and support each other through our ups and downs of weight loss. We provide encouragement to one another and whatever else may be needed. 
So far, this is working for me! I am always looking at new opportunities to push my body to the limit and make my goals a reality. In the 30 day time frame, I have noticed positive changes in my body, not just weight, but strength, endurance, and muscle tone. I love it! 

My starting weight was 289 (9/25/12) and my most recent weigh-in was 280.5 (10/26/12). When it's all said and done, my goal is to weigh-in at 180 pounds. 

"A year from now, you will wish you had started today."
- Karen Lamb


  1. Hi there! My name is Jessica and I am the spin instructor at what I believe is your fitness club. I would like to congratulate you on beginning your quest and would also like to invite you to try out a spin class! Indoor Cycling is an amazing and fun way to burn calories while also giving the legs a great strength workout and increasing your endurance!! 600-1000 Calories can be burned in an hour! Check your club schedule for my spin classes on mon and wed at 5:30pm, make sure it says Jessica so we know we are both at the same place! Then feel free to give it a try or to come in a little early if you have any questions about it =) In any case, Have Fun and I wish you the very best of luck!!!

    1. Hi Jessica! I checked our class schedule them and you are correct! Thank you for the invitation to try spin. Right now, it's a little out of my comfort zone, but I'm sure once I finish TRX, I'll be ready for anything!! I think it's wise to take on one challenge at a time, but I'll be there eventually! Thank you for reading and giving me encouragement, like all the other ladies at our club! I'm looking forward to meeting you!
