Friday, March 20, 2015

I am not ashamed.

Someone had the bright idea to plan a beach day with some of her co-workers. No, I didn't have the idea, I just put it into action. LOL

April 9th is the day. Just 3 short weeks from yesterday I will be at the beach with a handful of people from work. I haven't worn anything other than our uniform in their presence. Truth be told, the idea of wearing a bathing suit, a high waist bikini, in their presence kinda scares me, but at the same time, I know I have been working very hard on my body and I shouldn't be scared.

I am not ashamed of what I look like. I have come so far, losing over 50 pounds. I may not have the ideal beach body, but I am a work in progress. In three weeks, I will have made more progress and feel even better about myself.

I will rock my bathing suit, even if I have to wear a shirt over it to help myself feel secure. I won't be ashamed or intimidated by someone else's idea of beauty. However, I know this is the time to really buckle down on my workouts and in the kitchen so I can make the best out of the next 3 weeks. I want as much progress as I can get and if this is what it's going to take to motivate me well then, bring it on!

In Fitness and In Health,

Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday Morning Confessions

So I weighed myself this morning and the scale reflected a 4 pound gain in 5 days. Is it possible? Sure it is. Do I believe it? No. Probably bloat and whatever from all the sodium. I had a few "bad" days this week due to multiple birthday celebrations. I did my workouts, but could have made better food choices.

I know if I really focus on my meal plan, prepping meals, and making good choices, I see the weight loss results I am after. Within the first week and a half, I dropped just shy of 10 pounds. It's amazing what clean eating will do for you.

But of course, with birthday celebrations, I used them as an excuse to indulge and of course, I went way overboard. Instead of one meal, or one day, of "cheats", I did a whole week plus some. This of course reflected in the scale and in the way I feel. Now I feel bloated and icky.

Today starts another 21 day cycle for me and I have to focus on the meal plan. I've got the workouts down pat, but without focusing in the kitchen, all the hard work is in vain. Fueling the body is so important.

I don't want to set myself up for failure, so here it goes!

Over these next 3 weeks, it is my goal to lose another 10 pounds, not including the 4 I've gained. So, 14 pounds total. Would be incredible to see below 250 and even 240! My ultimate goal of 180 is in reach. It's just around the corner and up the street! I can and I will!

If you want results, you have to follow the plan. It works!

In Fitness and In Health,

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Real Talk 3/15/15

While I'm drinking my E&E preparing for my workout, here's some REAL TALK:

We are not perfect, by any means. We are creatures of habit and products of our environment. I have learned that if I don't prepare myself for the days ahead, I find myself falling back into old habits, things the old me would do. While you are on this journey, it is so important to set yourself up for success and not failure. I have difficulties in the food department. I KNOW if I don't shop ahead of time and prepare my foods in advance, I am going to make poor choices and I have. I find myself making excuses as to why I don't or can't. I did so great in the first week of my 21 Day Fix. The 2nd week wasn't as great and the 3rd week was downright shameful.

I am a coach and expect so much more from myself, but at the same time I am a human and I make mistakes and have slip ups. Being a food addict and emotional/boredom eater is not easy to overcome, but with preparation, I can and I WILL achieve the goals I have set for myself.

My next cycle of 21 Day Fix starts 3/23 and now I am prepared, mentally and physically. I am ready!

To anyone starting out on any type of fitness program, just remember that we strive for progress, not perfection. Any positive change you make today will take you one step closer to your goals.

I'd like to create a group for people like myself, people that need a little extra help to stay on track. Motivation, inspiration, etc. A place where we can overcome our setbacks and celebrate our achievements. It's all just as important. Together, we will overcome.

In Fitness and Im Health,

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Meal Prepping

As a self proclaimed food addict and emotional eater, I come to realize that meal prepping is vital to my weight loss success. If I leave my meals up to chance, odds are pretty good that I will make some not so good choices.

My struggle is usually lunch. I work in a grocery store. Of course there is a plethora of easy to make frozen food and there's also the deli with chicken wing bar. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if I don't bring my lunch, despite my best efforts, I will make poor decisions.

When you're toying with the idea of meal prepping, it can be overwhelming. If you start simple, it can be quite simple. I start by deciding on a meal that I would be ok with eating for a few days and create my shopping list.For example, this week I decided on oven roasted chicken breast, steamed veggies (broccoli, cabbage, yellow squash, and zucchini), and whipped sweet potatoes with greek yogurt.

Cook everything the way you want it and then portion it out into containers for the week. Sounds easy, right? It is! You can do this with breakfast or snacks too.

I don't really meal prep often, but I have started to more just because I know myself and my weaknesses. If there is something I can do to help combat failure, then I'm going to do it!

Besides, I prep for my Shakeology every morning, why not other parts of the day? LOL

In Fitness and In Health,

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Setback vs. Failure

I've been doing well with my 21 Day Fix program, until this week. I made some food choices that made me feel terrible after the fact.

One thing I have to remember is that I am human and I make mistakes just like everyone else. I have a bad habit of beating myself up when I do something I know I shouldn't, but do anyway. It's one day, one meal, one treat, one missed workout. As long as I don't make a habit, I shouldn't take it so hard.

It's difficult, but I will overcome these setbacks and will make sure that tomorrow is a great day! I will not be defined by my oopsies. Tomorrow is a new day!

In Fitness and In Health,

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Why did I become Beachbody Coach?

Yesterday, this question was asked: "Why did you become a Beachbody Coach?"

My initial thought was that I became a Beachbody Coach for the discount, which is part true, but I really didn't have an answer... until I sat down and really thought about it.

I've been overweight as long as I can remember. As a child and teen, I was picked on about it. Remembering those who made fun of me while walking home from the bus stop brings tears to my eyes. Even throughout high school and most of my adult life, my weight had been a rollercoaster. I would lose 30 pounds or so and then put it back on, plus some. In my 20's, I gave birth to two children. By age 25, we suffered the devastating, sudden loss of their father. This started a downward spiral for me, not caring about anything. I drank myself into oblivion for a while as my way of coping. Once I accepted the fact that he was gone, I was able to start thinking about the future and bettering myself at the possibility of meeting another man. I was a mess and there was no doubt that there was no one that would want me in that state.

Such started the rollercoaster again. I joined the gym and began working out alot and improved my eating habits. I was able to get down to 235 pounds before life got crazy hectic and I made excuses as to why I could not continue, whether it be no time, or that I was tired. It didn't matter. My weight crept up again.

At 29, I had a stressful job that had me working 50 hours per week or more. Combined with that and being a single parent, I turned to the bottle once again as a way to deal with everything I was being handed. The following year I was let go from that job and I have to admit it was a blessing in disguise.

My children and I had to move in with my parents. That was a hard move for me. Out of curiosity one morning, I stepped on the scale and my worst fear had been realized. I weighed over 300 pounds! 305.5 to be exact! I knew I had to do something about this.

My parents belonged to a local gym so I decided to get a membership as well. Since I was unable to find work, going to the gym became my job, part of my daily routine. I worked for months, counting calories and working out for an hour a day, 5 days a week. This motivated my parents to do better as well! They began eating better and working out more too. My weight came down to 245 pounds. The lowest I had been in almost 5 years.

Of course, the holidays came and went and I found that I had gained 20 pounds. I started working right before Thanksgiving and totally stopped going to the gym. Two months ago, I started working on myself again, going to the gym, counting calories, and walking ALOT at work. I even started running, with my sights set on completing a half marathon in 2016. I created my own fitness page on Facebook, just to put everything out there without clogging up my friends newsfeeds. People were telling me how inspiring I was, how great I looked, and that I was motivating them to start working out again. Along that time, I started to follow a handful of fitness pages on Facebook, including Hell Bent Chicks. I watched her persevere through medical issues that made it difficult for her to lose weight. Every day she was getting it done and posting it for the world to see. I was inspired. She and I became friends and started talking. She introduced me to Beachbody and Shakeology. Once I received my tax refund, I decided to try the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack with Shakeology and I signed up as a coach that day. I have to admit that I was immediately hooked! I have been with Team Beachbody less than 30 days and I already own 3 programs. 21 Day Fix, Les Mills Combat, and Body Beast. My Shakeology is like my coffee. I get cranky without it! I also have to say that Bobbylee has been an AMAZING coach to me! She's answered all my questions, kept me going when I was ready to quit, and always there just to shoot the breeze. The programs are amazing and keep you motivated even when you want to give up! These programs make it so easy for you to be successful. You just have to do the work!

My motto is, "Aspire. Inspire. Motivate."
I aspire to be something great, both in my health and fitness, but as a Coach as well.
If I can inspire at least one person, then I'm doing something right!
If someone comes to me to help them along their journey, I want to be there to motivate them every step of the way.

So, to answer the question as to why I became a Beachbody Coach, the answer is now simple.

I can be your coach too! You can join me for free! Get your FREE Team Beachbody account!

In fitness and in health,

Sunday, March 1, 2015

21 Day Fix - First 7 Days

Today marks the completion of the first 7 days of my 21 Day Fix. I have been very diligent with my workouts, Shakeology, and meal plan. I am happy to report that I have lost 7 pounds in this first week and expect to continue as I go further on.

The workouts have been somewhat challenging, but the modifier is easy to follow and there are always to give more or less intensity. I have been doing Les Mills Combat in conjunction with the 21 Day Fix program, just because I'm crazy. Haha, not really. I enjoy the hybrid workouts and they are completely different, but keep me interested and coming back every day. I actually look forward to getting up at 5am to do my workouts before the rest of my day starts.

When I first reviewed the meal plan, I thought I was going to starve. The colored containers and lists of food that were plan approved was a little overwhelming. I could not have been more wrong. After Shakeology for breakfast, I really only have time to each lunch and dinner and in trying to stay with the plan and eat as many containers as I can, my portion sizes are pretty big. My mother made a comment about it the other night at dinner. It looks like I'm overeating, but I am staying within my program. It's amazing. I am never hungry and almost always have wiggle room for a snack if necessary.

I cannot wait to see my 21 Day results, but for now I will say that I am completely thrilled with the way that it's going and couldn't be more proud of myself for staying with it and dedicating myself to a program that works. I am updating my Les Mills Combat package with the rest of the DVDs available and upgrading to 21 Day Fix Extreme to try out after this one, perhaps adding some of those to my hybrid workout schedule for the next 21 days.

I look forward to sharing my results and want others to see their results as well. To learn more about the program I'm doing and to join me on this incredible journey, visit www.losewithgillian.com and click on the logos underneath "My Current Programs".

In Fitness and in Health,

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Why Shakeology?

I've been drinking Shakeology on the daily for almost 2 weeks now and I have to say that I love it! I have gotten to the point where I get cranky if I don't have it, kinda like coffee. LOL What's the hype? Other than being very versatile, it tastes great, while giving you a blast of dense nutrition that is hard to get without consuming a huge amount of food. It's very cost effective as well. It's approximately $4 per serving, which is less than most people spend on their daily Starbucks fix.

Here's a quick look:

I'd MUCH rather drink my tasty treat in the morning than have to try and eat all of those veggies!

Shakeology is perfect for those who aren't big veggie fans! Guaranteed to be the healthiest meal of the day!

I have noticed some changes in myself since I started drinking Shakeology as well. I'm losing weight at a steady pace. I've noticed some positive changes in digestion and regularity. I don't find myself craving junk food (as much, lol). I have a lot more energy to get through my crazy days! Want to know what's in Shakeology?

That's easy:

With the dense of nutrition of Shakeology, you will improve your life! What could you accomplish with extra energy? I've been able to play with my kids more, workout harder, not crash so hard at the end of the day. I feel better overall! I can say that since I have been drinking Shakeology, I have lost 6 pounds in a little less than 2 weeks! It can help you reach your health and/or fitness goals too.

You think Shakeology is expensive? With a monthly investment in yourself, the daily cost comes down to about $4 per serving. Don't you think your life and health is worth it? Compared to other habits, why wouldn't you choose Shakeology?

Flavors available: 
Greenberry (My personal favorite)

Tropical Strawberry


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

21 Day Fix, Cycle 1

Yesterday I started my first cycle of 21 Day Fix. I've got the workout portion figured out, but am definitely requiring some training on the meal plan. It's laid out for you and so simple. It's a matter of adjusting what you're used to and eating cleaner. The diet isn't too restricted as there is quite a variety and creativity that goes into it. I am in love with Shakeology. It's a fantastic post-workout/breakfast before work. It's a learning process and I am so excited to have a coach that is doing it with me. I cannot wait for the 21 Days to be over so that I can share my results with the world! Haha! I know I am going to be successful. I am motivated to be the best I can be. For myself, and for my family! I love the fact that I have almost 300 likes on my Facebook page where I am able to share my journey in the raw. Up close and personal. If I can motivate even ONE person to get off the couch and move a little more or to take a look at their eating habits and make healthier choices, then I am doing something great! Helping others motivates me to do better myself. I have come quite a long was in the last year, not only physically, by mentally as well. Where I thought I could never get the weight off, I proved myself wrong and that's so important to me. Keep pushing forward because if you quit, you are only giving up on yourself! In fitness and in health, Gillian

Friday, January 30, 2015

2015 is the year I seriously kick some butt!!

I haven't been blogging much. I actually started writing in a composition book. Handwriting a journal of all things? Yes! It has been so helpful to recharge and kick myself in the butt to get back to weight loss and fitness.

I am disappointed to report that I gained somewhere around 20 pounds over the holidays. I knew there was some gain, but I didn't know it was that much. Unfortunately, I just let myself go, eating whatever I wanted and not working out as I had been in the past.

I have embraced my oopsies and am coming back from that gain. I've gotten about 5 pounds of it off, working on the next 5.

Kids and work schedule kinda got things a little mixed up and took some time for me to get used to. I was regularly working during the day and now I am working at night so there was an adjustment period for sure. I've got it all figured out now.

I am back in my flow. In the gym at least 3 days per week, but having dedicated workout time 5 days per week. Taking a long walk, playing basketball or tennis with my kids will count on the weekends as that is their time and I won't take that away.

A final note on this short blog: HOLY CRAP! I'M A RUNNER!!!