Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Transformation Tuesday 5/6/14


May has started off with a bang!

This week has been full of win in many aspects of my life. Even though I am having difficulties finding a job, I am holding my head up and focusing on the things I can control, outside of sending off resumes. I went back to school today, pursuing my bachelor's degree in Communications/Journalism. My kids are doing well, even though the boy child was feeling under the weather last night.

HOWEVER, this blog is mostly about the journey of this Fat2FitMama and I intend to put some focus into posting at least every 2-3 days with different things, not just weigh-ins.

Today's post is all about #transformationtuesday and reflecting on how far I've come since February. In my life, transformation is happening in so many ways and I am over the moon. The month of May will be my bitch and bring on so many more awesome things.

On May 3rd, I completed my first 5k. Notice I didn't say ran, but COMPLETED. That was a big achievement. When I was over 300 pounds and first started in the gym, I had a hard time completing 10 minutes on the treadmill.

I find that setting goals and challenges for myself are the best way to motivate me to achieve my ultimate goals. Since my goal for last month was to do the 5k, I was on the treadmill and walking/running outside ALOT. I wish I knew how many miles I logged. Now that it's done, I am staying off the treadmill this month. I may get outside and walk/run a little here and there, but I have sworn off the treadmill. INSTEAD, I have challenged myself to bike my ass off and bike 200 miles. On top of this, I am also completing a "Melt Your Muffin Top" challenge that consists of multiple abdominal workouts through out the month.

Today is the 6th and I am still on top of it all! I've completed 20 miles so far and have done each ab exercise as challenged! I won't go on about weight loss in this post. That will come tomorrow.

It has become a point in my life to serve as an inspiration, role model, and motivator to those who are trying to lose weight and/or live a healthier lifestyle. I pass the tools along. Use MyFitnessPal app, eat well, and work your ass off. You can do anything you put your mind to. I have started using Instagram (@hoteffinmess) throughout the day to capture what I do and how I do it, again to serve as an inspiration and positive role model for those who are following me. A good example of this happened today. I don't just talk about what to do, I do it, and prove it!

My trip to the grocery store today and my lunch. Notice the sushi (brown rice) in the cart. I was starving by time I got done in the store and wanted something quick, but healthy. Done!

NOW... for the best part of this #transformationtuesday blog post! I haven't done many progress pictures in without a shirt on. I did one on March 25, for the heck of it. On Sunday, I was curious because I noticed that things felt different, but of course I didn't see them. I took another set of shirtless progress pictures and when I compared the two side by side, I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. Excited as I was, I also realized that there are only 40 DAYS between the two.

This just goes to show what determination, hard work, and dedication can achieve. After seeing this, I am a firm believer that if I can do it, anyone can!!!

See you tomorrow for Weigh In Wednesday!

In Fitness and In Health,


  1. AMAZING BLOG!!! and amazing job well done! You are looking amazing and holy crap what a difference 40 days makes! Keep proving to yourself that you can do this!

  2. Thank you so much! It goes to show that even though the scale may not show your progress, but pictures don't lie!

  3. Wow girl! You're doing amazing! I've yet to take "before" pics. I guess I better get on that huh. LOL
