Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sugar, Shock Top, and Magic Mike

Today has been a horrendous Saturday. Aside from my workout this morning and dinner this evening, the rest of the day was just a hot mess. No details on the children portion. I will focus on the guilty pleasures I indulged in: sugar, Shock Top, and Magic Mike.

Yes, I raided the kids' Halloween stash. I couldn't help it. It was calling to me! Don't tell me you haven't been there because I would call you a liar to your face! Kit Kat, AirHeads, Tootsie Rolls, etc. I had to have them. I may gone a little overboard, but GOD DID IT FEEL GOOD!

I like my alcohol! And if you ask any single mother, I'm sure I'm not the only one. I don't know what it is about Belgian wheat ale, but it's all I drink now. Pour it in a glass and squeeze in an orange and YUM! Hey, at least I'm getting some vitamin C in the process!

I was bummed I didn't get to see Magic Mike in the theater with my girlfriends and after tonight, I'm glad I didn't. I was completely disappointed. The story line was lacking and there really was no ending to the story. Parts of it didn't make much sense to me. I, like any other warm blooded woman, enjoyed the dancing of it all, aside from that, it was L-A-M-E! I am so glad I spent $5.99 for pay-per-view instead of the $10+ to see it in the theater.

So I guess the best part of my day was Zumba this morning... even though it wasn't the usual instructor. Shut down the day with a couple of Shock Tops and now, off to bed! I can only hope and pray tomorrow is better. Tomorrow's workout will be the thorough cleaning of my apartment and doing my Zumba-esque dancing.

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