Saturday, March 22, 2014

Week in Review!!

Week in Review!!

I hit my first weight loss goal of 20 lbs. this week!!! It's been a crazy journey so far, but I am learning so much about my body and what it can do when treated the right way! The healthier eating and exercising has definitely played into some positive changes. I'm sleeping better, I'm less stressed, and more confident than I have ever been in my skin. Even though I have so much more left to accomplish, I can say that I am more motivated than ever!! 


Monday - shoulders and back

  • dumbbell shoulder press (3 sets, 12 reps, 8  lb. dumbbells) used 10 lb. dumbbells at the gym
  • dumbbell upright row standing/bent over (3 sets, 12 reps, 8  lb. dumbbells) used 10 lb. dumbbells at the gym
  • front/side lateral raise (3 sets, 12 reps, 8  lb. dumbbells) used 10 lb. dumbbells at the gym
  • kneeling pushups (until failure) didn't attempt. Why? I don't know. EXCUSE #1

Tuesday - core

  • crunches, stability ball crunches, other pilates targeted ab moves, beginner plank exercises Didn't do. Was on a field trip with my youngest. Excuse #2

Wednesday - legs

  • leg press (3 sets, 15/12/10 reps,  weight TBD) Completed. I don't recall how much weight was used. 
  • leg extension (2 sets, 10 reps, weight TBD) Completed. I don't recall how much weight was used. 
  • leg curl (2 sets, 10 reps, weight TBD) Completed. I don't recall how much weight was used. 
  • calf raises (2 sets, 12/10 reps) We don't have a machine for this at the gym so I just did it by lifting my body weight on my toes until failure.

Thursday - core
  • crunches, stability ball crunches, other pilates targeted ab moves, beginner plank exercises Completed as many as I could until failure. Stability ball crunches.

Friday - chest

  • chest press machine (4 sets, 8 reps, weight TBD Completed. I don't recall how much weight was used. 
  • single-arm chest press (4 sets, 8 reps, 8 lb. dumbbells) Did at home on stability ball.
  • Y raises (4 sets, 20 reps, 8 lb. dumbbells) Didn't do. Forgot about them. Excuse #3
  • rear lateral raise (4 sets, 20 reps, 8 lb. dumbbells) Completed at home.

CARDIO - always completed my cardio of at least one mile on the treadmill, alternating walking and jogging. On Monday, I completed a mile and a half. Tuesday, I didn't make it to the gym, but we did a lot of walking while on the field trip with my son. Wednesday had me completing 3.2 miles on the treadmill. Thursday was another 3.5 between the treadmill, walking the bridge, and the walking trail at the park with my sister and kiddoes. Friday was a slow down day and I completed a mile on the treadmill, half of which I spent jogging! *high five* This doesn't account for some time spent on the elliptical. 
Total walking miles completed this week: 9.2

Next set of goals:
  1. Next week I will strive to complete 10 miles walking on the treadmill, or outside. Elliptical miles don't count in this. 
  2. To fully complete/modify to complete the strength training schedule as outlined above 
  3. Working towards my 30 lb. weight loss by: 4/16/14 (will also be posting 6 day progress pics!!! So looking forward to that!)
Potential Hurdles for this week:
  1. My kids are out of school for Spring Break so I will have to revamp my workout schedule and move it either to early, early morning, or later at night. One way or the other it will get completed!
I am very excited for the week ahead and plan on incorporating my kids into my workout by taking them for walks around the park trail. I can't let speed bumps on my road to success hold me back!

Moving forward!!!

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