Sunday, January 20, 2013

10 items in my gym bag

Many of us have incredibly busy schedules that leave us dashing from the office to the gym, with little to no time in between. If you're like me, my gym bag and other essentials are in my car every day ready to hit it hard.

  1. Workout clothes and sneakers (and socks!!) - Most days I am able to change at home before I go to the gym. On days that I know it's not possible, I make sure to have everything packed the night before or first thing in the morning.
  2. Bottle of water - Water is the most important part of working out. Gotta stay hydrated!
  3. Heart rate monitor - I use my heart rate monitor to determine how many calories I've burned during a particular class or workout session. It makes it easier to log on MyFitnessPal. 
  4. Weight lifting gloves - I don't actually lift weights. I use my gloves at the gym for my turbo tone class. We move so fast and I want to make sure a) I don't lose grip on my weights and b) to avoid blisters and calluses.
  5. Yoga mat - Now for a giggle. I haven't taken a yoga or pilates class yet. Turbo Tone is a crazy class where we end up on the floor doing ab exercises. 
  6. Extra hair elastics - I have such good luck that my hair elastics break when I need them the most so I try to have at least one extra on hand.
  7. Headband/bandana - The one thing I hate the most is getting sweat in my eyes. 
  8. Small towel - Again, I hate getting sweat in my eyes. 
  9. MP3 player/music streaming app - I rarely use it, but my iPod is charged and in my bag for when I need it. I usually take classes and don't need music.
  10. Deodorant - Deodorant is a no brainer. 
Some other items may make their way into my bag from time to time: bathing suit (for sauna and/or hot tub), a bath towel, shower items (shampoo/bodywash in one). I hate getting to the gym and then realize I forgot something. I try to keep it all together. I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached. Haha!

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